Past Projects


Engineering and Design

Naha Port Sediment Study and Sampling – Naha, Okinawa, Japan

ITES successfully completed engineering studies in support of dredging and facility expansion projects planned for the Naha Port in Okinawa, Japan.

The studies provided environmental analysis of maintenance dredge material, sediment characterization, evaluation of disposal options, environmental documentation requirements, and permit requirements for conducting maintenance dredging.

The project was conducted in concert with the U.S. Department of Defense, Naha Port Authority, and the Government of Japan, ITES engineers and subcontractors communicate and coordinate frequently between U.S. and Japan government agencies.

Tasks included control point surveys, UXO and anomaly sensing in the Naha Port channel, drilling and sample collection, and environmental and geotechnical analyses.

Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Highways Division (HDOT Hwys) Environmental Program Support

ITES Conducted training and environmental program support for DOT Hwys.

  • Developing and Conducting Environmental Training

    • Stormwater BMPs and Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (SWPCP) Requirements

    • NPDES and SPCC Permit Compliance

    • Management of Hazardous Waste (HW) and Toxic Substances (LBP, ACM)

    • Training for a Wide Variety of Audiences: ranging from ‘shop- level’ operators, maintenance staff, and construction workers; to supervisors, managers, and upper level department chiefs

  • Strategizing to Address Findings of Non-Compliance with Clients and Regulators

  • Developing functional and effective environmental program tools to ease implementation:

    • Simple checklists that break down complex environmental requirements and plans (e.g., SPCC Plans, Storm Water Pollution Control Plans (SWPCPs)).

    • Posters and visual guides to communicate essential environmental requirements.

    • Recommending and designing Best Management Plans (BMPs) and corrective actions.


Community Outreach

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administrator (NOAA) Program Support

ITES trainers are in their 4th year of providing training for NOAA grant applicants and coordinating meetings and workshops for NOAA customers.

The NOAA programs include:

    • Public Information and Education Sessions

    • Government Agency Working Groups

    • Workshops for NOAA Customers

ITES instructors have taught courses throughout the Continental U.S., Hawaii and the Pacific.  The courses offer participants instructor-led and self-guided trainings focused on community projects, writing, capturing key mission critical issues, and technical approach.

Army Environmental Program Support Pacific Area of Responsibility (AOR)

ITES is currently providing environmental support to 9th Mission Support Command (MSC) of the U.S. Army reserve in the Pacific AOR.

Headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii, the 9th MSC is comprised of approximately 3,500 Army Reserve Soldiers and 160 civilians throughout the Pacific to include Hawaii, Alaska, American Samoa, Japan, Korea, Guam and Saipan.

Major subordinate commands include the Theater Support Group; 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment; the 322nd Civil Affairs Brigade; the 303rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade; and the 411th Engineer Battalion.

ITES staff provides environmental program oversight of all 9th MSC Army Reserve:

    • Environmental Compliance Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

    • Environmental Management System (EMS) Conformance,

    • Energy Programs

    • Hazard Materials Management

    • Recycling and Green Procurement Programs

Environmental Assessments and Corrective Actions

U.S. Marine Corps Base Kaneohe, HI – Landfill Risk Assessment

Ms. Terashima managed a team of geologists and toxicologists to identify potential human and ecological health risks associated with the siting of buildings in the area of a former landfill. A remediation plan and cost estimate were prepared for several siting options.

Private Clients –Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments

Ms. Terashima has managed several large-scale site investigation projects in support of encompassing assessments of potential risks to human health and the environment. Projects have been performed for both private and government clients in support of property transfers, lease negotiations, and regulatory site closures.

Curriculum Development and Training

  • Grant Writing Workshops, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Pacific Regional Grants Cooperative (PRGC)
    Workshops are currently being developed for grant applicants on Oahu, Hilo, Kona, Maui, and Kona, Hawaii. The workshops will address the grant process, NOAA funding opportunities, grant-writing approach and methodology, and applicant selection criteria.

  • Course Development and Instruction, National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC)
    ITES is developing curriculum course for the NDPTC and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). To date, ITES staff have conducted over 50 courses and instructed over 1,000 students throughout the U.S., and territories in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

  • Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Training, Headquarters, Pacific Air Forces
    ITES provided training and support in the development and implementation of EMS for Headquarters, Pacific Air Forces (HQPACAF). Training was conducted at 11 Bases in Hawaii, Guam, Japan, Alaska, and Korea included:

    • Preparation of Environmental Management Plans

    • Prioritization of Environmental Aspect Inventories

    • Preparation of EMS Manuals

    • On-site training

    • Support and development of Environmental Safety and Occupation Health Management Systems

  • Conference Planning, Society of American Military Engineers
    Working with a conference planning team, ITES coordinated the facility logistics, contractor exhibits, and participant registration for the 2010 Regional Conference for the Society of American Military Engineers. The successful event was attended by over 800 military and civilian Department of Defense contractors.

  • Resume Writing Workshops, University of Hawaii
    ITES coordinated resume writing workshops in 2010 and 2011 for engineering and architecture school students at the University of Hawaii. Speakers from the private and government agency sectors provided the students with information on the process to obtain employment, selection criteria, and current recruiting timetables. The event was well-attended with an estimated 150 student participants.

  • Training, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
    Training sessions were developed for 10 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities in Hawaii and the Continental U.S. The trainings were conducted in conjunction with environmental audits at the facilities, and provide information on regulatory compliance and Environmental Management System (EMS) conformance requirements

  • Event Planning and Coordination, Society of American Military Engineers
    Ms. Terashima has served as the Youth Outreach Coordinator for the Honolulu Post of the Society of American Military Engineers since 2007. In this capacity, she has been responsible for the planning, organization, logistics, event coordination, and volunteer recruiting.

    • A few of these events include:

      • The Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair

      • Boy Scout Engineering Badge Program

      • State Math Counts Competitions

      • VEX Robotics Tournament

      • University of Hawaii Student Chapter Mentorship

Environmental Compliance and Permitting

  • Numerous Clients – Pollution Prevention Plans
    Ms. Terashima led a compliance team in the preparation of pollution prevention opportunity assessments and pollution prevention plans for government and private clients. The plans focused on Executive Order 13423 compliance – and identifies both internal and external P2 goals and pursuits.

  • Headquarters Pacific, U.S. Air Force – Environmental Management Systems
    Ms. Terashima managed a team of compliance specialists to develop and execute an implementation strategy to meet EO 13423 metrics for the 11 Installations throughout HQPACAF. Workshops were conducted to identify processes, aspects, and installations, and databases developed for each Installation.

  • REIT Management and Research, Inc. – Environmental Compliance Program
    Managed a large-scale environmental compliance review of 247 properties on Oahu, Hawaii and developed an Environmental Management Program encompassing over 200 acres of industrial properties. Critical environmental issues were identified, action items developed, and a program cost developed in support of client requirements.

  • U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence – Hickam Monitoring Program for Former Underground Storage Tank Sites
    Managed projects encompassing Exposure Pathway Assessment and Exposure Prevention Management (EPM). Plans and site monitoring to facilitate closure of former UST sites on Hickam Air Force Base, Oahu, Hawaii.

  • U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence – UST Program Plan, Oahu, Hawaii
    Prepared program plans for the management of over 120 USTs located at 70 facilities on Hickam AFB, Bellows AFS, and satellite locations throughout Oahu. Prepared ROM costs and prioritized action items for implementation.

  • U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence – Wake Island Compliance Assessment and Compliance Site Inventory
    Conducted an Environmental Compliance Assessment of Wake Island operations to assess compliance status with 13 major categories of environmental compliance including the management of hazardous materials, hazardous and solid waste, wastewater, pesticides, toxic substances, air emissions, and cultural and natural resource management. Prepared an inventory of compliance sites, and prepared ROM cost estimates and relative risk ranking to evaluate compliance burden.

  • Honolulu Public Transit Authority – Environmental Compliance Program
    Ms. Terashima assisted the City and County of Honolulu Public Transit Authority in preparing an Environmental Compliance Program to achieve and maintain regulatory compliance; address overall environmental policy direction; management responsibilities and goals; and preparation of compliance documents such as Environmental Guidance Documents, Hazardous Waste Management Plans, and Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans for HPTA facilities on the Island of Oahu. For undertaking and successfully implementing the compliance program, the HPTA was awarded the Investing in the Environment Award by Island Business Magazine.

  • Private Client – Environmental Compliance Program, Hawaii
    Project manager for the environmental regulatory compliance screening of over 2,000 properties in the State of Hawaii. The screening effort involved the regulatory review of applicable property data, property mapping, prioritization of properties identified for further actions, database design, and customization of a GIS user interface. The current project effort involves the development of a comprehensive environmental management program for the client encompassing baseline surveys, the preparation of environmental guidance documents, subcontractor management, and the development of investigation protocols and procedures.

  • U.S. Navy CLEAN Program – Johnston Atoll Environmental Baseline Survey
    Provided environmental regulatory compliance support for an Environmental Baseline Survey of Johnston Atoll. Key compliance issues addressed in the EBS included hazardous materials and waste management, pipeline and POL storage, solid waste management, wastewater treatment, storm water discharge, marine debris, and radioactive material remediation, handling, and storage.

  • Hawaii State Department of Transportation – Airports Compliance Audits, Hawaii
    Managed a statewide program of environmental compliance audits for 13 state-owned airports in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Kauai Counties. The compliance audits encompassed regulatory reviews of 337 airport tenant operations, an assessment of the applicable regulatory issues associated with these tenant operations, and the formulation of corrective action plans and recommendations to the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Airports Division.

  • Nissan Forklift Japan – Due Diligence Assessment, Tokyo, Japan
    Prepared summary reports for 42 Nissan Forklift facilities in Japan. Assessed tables and environmental due diligence applicability of U.S. clean-up standards for these facilities, and prepared scopes of work and estimates for subsequent baseline surveys of the facilities, as necessary.

  • National Guard Bureau – Hazardous Waste Management Plans, Hawaii
    Prepared RCRA Hazardous Waste Management Plans for the Hawaii Air National Guard. In this effort, assessments of current facility operations were conducted and action plans developed to facilitate compliance with federal and state requirements for the handling, transport, and storage of RCRA hazardous waste at 6 Guard Units in the State of Hawaii.

  • Environmental Compliance and Assessment Surveys, Army National Guard, Various Locations
    Conducted Environmental Compliance Assessment System (ECAS) assessments of over 40 National Guard facilities throughout the United States.

  • Environmental Assessment and Baseline Surveys, Hawaii Air National Guard, Kauai
    Assisted the Hawaii Air National Guard in meeting NEPA and environmental compliance requirements by preparing the Environmental Assessment and Environmental Baseline Surveys of proposed maneuver sites on the Island of Kauai. Provided oversight to a diverse team of planners, engineers, biologists, and archaeologists to address NEPA, biological, environmental compliance, and cultural and natural resource concerns and requirements. Completed the project under budget and 2 months ahead of schedule.

  • Environmental Assessment and Baseline Surveys, National Guard Bureau, Maui, Hawaii
    Managed a team of ordnance specialists, archaeologists, and biologists in the conduct of field surveys of the 40-acre Kanaio Impact Range in Ulupalakua, Maui and oversaw the preparation of an Ordnance Removal Plan for the site. Planning documents were prepared outlining the scope and technical approach of the field activities, and Geographic Information System (GIS) overlays of field conditions were prepared identifying areas of concern.

Database Design

  • Headquarters Pacific Air Forces – ESOHMS Support
    Worked with HQPACAF GIS team to incorporate EMS data into the existing geodatabase platform. Development goals include the preparation of a user interface to allow for quick data retrieval and graphic analysis.

  • U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence – Wake Island Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis
    Ms. Terashima was responsible for the analytical chemistry database for an island-wide Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis (EE/CA) performed on Wake Island Atoll. Database design was developed based on user needs and GIS interface requirements, and included lithologic and spatial data.


  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Pacific Ocean Division
    Ms. Terashima managed field archaeologists and geologists in field investigation studies conducted at ACOE sites located at Kaena Point, Oahu; Palmyra Atoll; and Kagman Caves and Quartermaster Station, Saipan.

  • U.S. Navy Pacific Division – Johnston Atoll Environmental Baseline Survey
    Ms. Terashima provided environmental regulatory compliance support for an Environmental Baseline Survey of Johnston Atoll. Key compliance issues addressed in the EBS included hazardous materials and waste management, pipeline and POL storage, solid waste management, wastewater treatment, storm water discharge, marine debris, and radioactive material remediation, handling, and storage.

  • National Guard Bureau – Environmental Compliance Assessment System (ECAS) Assessments
    Ms. Terashima conducted ECAS assessments of over 40 National Guard facilities in Michigan, New York, and Alabama. The assessment addressed 17 major categories of environmental compliance including the management of hazardous materials, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans, hazardous and solid waste, wastewater, pesticides, toxic substances, air emissions, and cultural and natural resource management.

  • Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence – Hickam POL Pipeline Presumptive Remedy Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis
    Ms. Terashima serves as the Project Manager for an EE/CA of 21 IRP sites situated along 28 miles of the Hickam POL Pipeline on Oahu, Hawaii. Investigation activities include the review of historical data to evaluate No Further Response Action Planned (NFRAP) recommendations, conduct of an EE/CA site characterization to address data needs, performance of a streamlined risk assessment, and the development of removal action alternatives to facilitate site closures.

  • Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence – Third Party Data Validation and Archaeological Monitoring, Oahu, Hawaii
    Ms. Terashima oversees a project to provide third party data validation and archaeological monitoring support services for 17 CERCLA projects encompassing Site Investigations, EE/CAs, and Interim Removal Actions at Hickam and Bellows Air Force Bases and Air Force Operations at Mt. Kaala, Oahu and Kokee, Kauai.

  • Hawaii Army National Guard – Kanaio Impact Range Ordnance Reconnaissance and Removal Plan
    Ms. Terashima managed a team of ordnance specialists, archaeologists, and biologists in the conduct of field surveys of the 40-acre Kanaio Impact Range in Ulupalakua, Maui and oversaw the preparation of an Ordnance Removal Plan for the site. Planning documents were prepared outlining the scope and technical approach of the field activities, and Geographic Information System (GIS) overlays of field conditions were prepared identifying areas of concern.

  • Environmental Assessment and Baseline Surveys, National Guard Bureau, Maui, Hawaii
    To support and fulfill NEPA environmental compliance and cultural and natural resource requirements, URS provided a team of ordnance specialists, archaeologists, and biologists in the conduct of field surveys of the 40-acre Kanaio Impact Range in Ulupalakua, Maui and oversaw the preparation of an Ordnance Removal Plan for the site. Planning documents were prepared outlining the scope and technical approach of the field activities, and GIS overlays of field conditions were prepared identifying areas of concern. Prepared and presented mitigation options to regulators – expediting site closure.